Mahayana Course: Study and Discussion - Nalandabodhi Philadelphia

Mahayana Course: Study and Discussion

Sun., December 11, 2022
10:45 am - 11:45 am

Join us *on Zoom* for Mahayana Study and Discussion

This is a series of Mahayana study and discussion courses, on Sundays from 10:45-11:45 pm Eastern, following optional Sunday meditation (9:45-10:45am Eastern).

In the Mahayana teachings, we look at the possibility of limitless compassion and bodhichitta, the boundless intention to help all sentient beings. This motivation and its application are based on the crucial Mahayana notion that all sentient beings possess buddha nature, the potential to become a perfect buddha.

The studies of personal selflessness in the Hinayana are the jumping-off point for widening our vision to embrace the profound Mahayana selflessness of the “great emptiness” of all phenomena as well as the vast training and fruition of the path of a buddha-to-be.

This course is an updated and greatly-revised version of the Nalandabodhi Mahayana Series with many new materials based on talks by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, especially in the areas of mind training, Madhyamaka, Mind-Only, Yogachara, Shentong and Buddha Nature.

Contact for more information and to receive the Zoom link.

The texts for the current course  and for each course in the series (301-306) are available through the Nalanda bookstore. If you haven’t completed Introduction to Buddhism or if you missed the earlier Mahayana courses, please contact to discuss options for taking the course.

Please order texts at least 2-3 weeks in advance of each course.

We welcome all to this series, regardless of financial means. If you are able to make a financial contribution, it will support both local Nalandabodhi Philadelphia programming and the Nalandabodhi teachers who, by developing this and other courses, help us connect with these profound teachings. You can make a contribution of any amount, from $1 up. Our aim is for an average donation of $60 for this 5-month course. We recognize that it’s the intention of the donation, not its size, that is most important.

Date/Time Date(s) - Sun., December 11, 2022
10:45 am - 11:45 am

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