New Online Series from Mitra Dean Karl Brunnhölzl


Sunday, 14 February 2021.
7:00 pm CET – 8:30 pm CET
 – Online:

Nalandabodhi Deutschland hosts Mitra Dean Karl for this next series of teachings that are taught in English.

In these talks, the life stories of some well-known and some not so well-known mahāsiddhas, both female and male, are told via a selection of their songs with a discussion of their meanings.

The next date is Sunday, 14 February 2021. The teaching begins at 7 pm (CEST). You can see your time zones here.The teachings are for free. If you want to make an offering: Please add Karl’s Name under “Additional Information”

Here is the Zoom link:

Meeting-ID: 207 387 518
Password: 510862

The talks are recorded and available on the German Nalandabodhi Website.

Date/TimeDate(s) – Sunday, 14 February 2021.
7:00 pm CET – 8:30 pm CET

Location Online